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Branchen 350
Talente 139
Themen 123

Electric Mobility Roadmap and Automotive Supply Chain Opportunities in Ontario/Canada 23.03.2021

DMREx: Virtual Real Estate Expo 2021 25. - 26.02.2021

Virtuelle Delegationsreise Automotive nach Estland und Litauen 08.06.2021 - 16.06.2021

Web-Seminar im Rahmen der Initiative “Baden-Württemberg : California – A transatlantic platform for mobility solutions”

Artificial Intelligence in South Korea - Perspectives from Science and Industry 17.06.2021

Innovation Talks on Industry-on-Campus | Baden-Württemberg & Denmark

Fit4BW: 4 Future Topics – 4 Startups – 4 min. to Pitch 08.07.2021

Chinakator – Chancen für die Luftfahrtindustrie in China

Baden-Württemberg-California – A transatlantic Platform for Future Mobilitiy Solutions 27.01.2022

Inside China: Automotive 22.06.2022