We implement targeted projects in Germany and abroad on behalf of third parties.

Thanks to our many years of experience in the area of business and science development, we are a competent and sought-after partner to ministries and institutions in Germany and abroad as a project service provider. We currently implement projects on behalf of Baden-Württemberg’s Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism, the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung foundation and the European Commission. Our active role as part of these measures underpins our internationalisation competency – ensuring added value for Baden-Württemberg as a location.

European Commission

BW_i acts as a service provider for two projects on behalf of the European Commission. Firstly, we are a member of the Enterprise Europe Network Baden-Württemberg (EEN-BW). The EEN is a European network with the aim of supporting collaboration, technology transfer and strategic partnerships for small and medium-sized businesses. As part of this project, we can offer internationalisation services to companies and organisations. Secondly, we are a project partner to Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs. This programme funded by the European Commission promotes an exchange between start-up entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized companies – and helps BW_i to bring young talent to the German Southwest.

Person to contact

Steffen Schuldis

Head of Cluster & Start-ups

More information

Would you like to learn more about our project services? Barbara Houessinon-Junger and Cornelia Frank will be happy to answer your questions.